PPC Manager 1: Optimize

In this video, we’ll be showing you how you can use the Optimize section of Sellics to analyze your campaign performance. In this section, you’ll be able to easily view your campaigns, ad groups, keywords and search terms.

AMAZON PPC FOR BEGINNERS | PPC 101 Step-by-Step Tutorial

Learn how to run profitable and successful Pay-Per-Click campaigns on Amazon. We will teach you everything from the basics to how to setup your campaigns! [ ⬇OPEN FOR MORE ⬇ ]

Download the ACoS Calculator: http://media.sellics.com/ACoS-Calculator.xlsx

Amazon PPC Sponsored Product Academy: https://sellics.com/amazon-ppc-course-basics

Amazon PPC Manager – Automate your campaigns – https://sellics.com/amazon-sponsored-products-manager

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About Sellics:

Sellics is an All-in-One Tool designed to help Sellers and Vendors become successful and profitable on Amazon. Sellics will help you:

-Automate/Manage PPC (Sponsored Products) campaigns
-Provide you with in-depth and daily insight into profits and margins,
-Give you access to the best Keywords to optimize your listings
– Help manage product reviews & more!

Sign-up for our free 14-day trial today! https://sellics.com