7 Subject Lines That Get Your Emails Opened

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Did you know? The purpose of your email subject line is to get your emails opened. If your emails don’t get enough response, watch the video for the 7 subject lines that get your emails opened. Which one of the 7 will you use right away? Comment below.

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This video is about 7 Subject Lines That Get Your Emails Opened

Introduction to Email Marketing

Email marketing doesn’t need to be complex. Join Mike Madden, Sr. Demand Generation Program Manager at Marketo, for this short, easy-to-digest, and actionable 15-minute webinar to learn the fundamentals of email marketing. We’ll define the metrics, discuss copy and design, and give you the essentials you need to understand and implement a bulletproof email marketing strategy.

You’ll learn:

– How to write subject lines that beg to be opened
– Best practices for testing and measuring your email campaigns
– Pitfalls, perils, and how to avoid them