What to Know Before Buying PPC

If you’re in the market for #PPC (pay-per-click) services, you shouldn’t buy until you consider these four things!

0:54 – Will PPC work for my business?
1:30 – If my SEO is doing well, should I invest in PPC?
1:57 – What kind of budget works best for PPC?
2:27 – Why should I outsource PPC?

In this video, we’re talking to our PPC Campaign Managers to figure out the four PPC questions they hear all the time. They’re going to break down the details of PPC so that you can better determine if purchasing PPC services is the right move for your business.

#1: Will PPC work for my business?
A lot of businesses wonder if PPC is something that will work for them. Understandably, you wouldn’t want to spend money on PPC advertising if you didn’t think it was going to work. But as Clayton explains, PPC can absolutely work for your business!

#2: If my SEO is going well, should I even invest in PPC?
If your website is bringing in organic search traffic, you’ve already got a huge leg up on your competition. So why consider PPC? Well, Becca says that approximately 60% of users that visit your website will leave and NEVER come back. With PPC, you can target these users directly, keeping your brand in front of them when it matters most. In this way, PPC can help you bring back customers who would otherwise be lost forever.

#3: What budget works best for PPC?
Every business has a different PPC budget, but how much can you expect to spend for the best results? At The HOTH, we encourage businesses to start with at least $1,000/month in ad spend. This gives most businesses enough flexibility to target the most valuable customers and ensure that they receive a return on investment. For more competitive industries, we recommend starting with about $5,000 to $10,000/month in order to compete. But don’t worry, we do all the heavy lifting!

#4: Why should I outsource PPC?
It’s simple: by letting the experts handle your PPC, you can spend more time focusing on the growth of your business. The HOTH is a certified Google Partner, proving that we are trusted by Google to handle the PPC campaigns of your business. Every single one of our campaign managers are also Google certified, proving that they have mastered the curriculum necessary to drive results in PPC advertising. So don’t risk losing thousands on Google Ads! Let us take care of your PPC at The HOTH.

To learn more or schedule a call with one of our team members, visit the link below:

Google Ads (Adwords) PPC Management Services

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PPC Campaign Tutorial 2020 | Google Search Ads | Lead Generation Google Ads Tutorial in Hindi

PPC Campaign Tutorial 2020. Google Search Ads ppc campaign. Lead Generation Google Ads Tutorial in Hindi. Google Ads Course 2020.

You can Learn more about Marketing and Digital Marketing here For Free:

Google Ads Tutorials 2019 In Hindi

Google Ads Tutorials 2019 In English

Facebook Ads Tutorials 2019 In Hindi

Facebook Ads Tutorials 2019 In English

LinkedIn Ads Tutorials 2019 Hindi

Tik Tok Tutorials Hindi

Twitter Ad Tutorials 2019 Hindi

YouTube ads Tutorials 2019

Instagram Ads Tutorials 2019 HIndi

SEO Tutorials 2019

Amazon Tutorials In Hindi

Flipkart Tutorials Hindi 2019

Ad Extensions PPC Google Ads 2019 In Hindi

Accounts Linking Tutorials 2019

Gmail Tutorials Hindi

Pinterest Ads Tutorial In Hindi 2019

Keyword Match Types In PPC Google Ads 2019 Hindi

Fundamentals / Tips / Tricks Tutorials In Hindi


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Google Adwords Tutorial: How to Advertise on Google for Beginners | PPC Lead Generation Strategies!

Step-By-Step Google Adwords Tutorial Showing You How to Advertise on Google Using Local Lead Generation Strategies in 2018

FREE Adwords Blueprint: Temporarily Unavailable – Join the FB Group below to get updated on when it’s complete

LEAD KINGS: Lead Generation Mastermind (FB Group)
Join Now – http://bit.ly/LeadKings

Contact Me Here: http://bit.ly/RyanMarkets

How to Sell Google Ad Services + Client On-boarding Documents [FREE]

Table of Contents:
I. Introduction Adwords Pay Per Click
II. High-Level Google Adwords Strategies
III. How Google Adwords Works
IV. Google Adwords Keyword Research
V. Adwords Landing Page Design (PPC Optimized)
VI. Google Ads Power Editor Tool
VII. Split Testing Ads
VIII. Adwords Campaign Setup
IX. Adwords Optimization Strategies & Techniques

This video will show you how to market a local business using up-to-date advertising strategies. You’ll learn exactly how to create successful Google Adwords Campaigns, that jump you straight to the top of Google search results, from start to finish.

This guide will take you from beginner to intermediate when it comes to generating leads for local businesses. Although this is targeted to local marketers, there is a wide range of people who can benefit from the strategies, principles, and techniques demonstrated in this video. For that reason, these tips can be applied to more than just local PPC campaigns.

Google marketing really is easy once you get the hang of the algorithm and basic advertising principles. This knowledge will carry over to ALL pay per click platforms including Facebook Ads, Youtube Ads, Instagram Ads, and more…

So buckle up, because this is going to be a long one!

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Twitter Account: http://bit.ly/Twitter_RyanMarkets

Instagram Account: http://bit.ly/Instagram_RyanMarkets

Google Ads PPC News Updates 📺 (23rd June 2020)

Discovery Campaigns Video

Responsive Search Ads Video

Google Ads PPC News Updates 23rd June 2020

Google are monetizing Google My Business

Google is now trying a subscription billing model for Google My Business, something Google has explored doing in the past, and is now actively pursuing.

Image extensions for smart shopping ads

Google announced last week the latest additions: Image Extensions, enhancements to their Smart Shopping campaigns, and some upgrades to visuals in display ads.

Responsive search ads updated

Google is adding new features to RSA ad copy options with dynamic features, and increasing its helpfulness with cross-campaign results and asset suggestions.

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¿Qué es el SEO y como dominarlo?

Un sitio web es el centro de toda estrategia de marketing digital. Pero, ¿como llevamos gente a ese sitio web? ¿Y como convertimos a esos usuarios en clientes? De eso se trata el SEO.

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5 Local PPC Tips for AWESOME Google Ads Local Campaigns

Running a local PPC campaign is very different to running a campaign nationally or indeed globally, there are some specific things you need to consider when building a local campaign

You need to be more aware of your competitors, you may have less budget than national businesses and you really really want to ensure that you both maximize local opportunities while also reducing your risk of paying for non serviceable enquiries from out of area.

You want to make sure that the structure of your campaign allows you to meet your local objectives too.

so in this video we are going to explore the best way to set up and succeed with a local PPC campaign.

Local campaigns have more considerations that national campaigns because of lower search volume, lower budgets and the need for strict targeting.

So lets’ explore how to build local campaigns to dominate Google Ads with 5 tips you can put in place today!

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Google Ads Full Training Course

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If you want to get more from marketing, check out my marketing courses!


And as always, if you have a question, or want me to cover a particular subject or marketing challenge you’re facing, head over to my website www.thebigmarketer.com and get in touch. I would love to hear from you!

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How to Do Keyword Research for PPC | WordStream

Today, we’re bringing you a keyword research tutorial, and explaining exactly how you can use it in your PPC campaigns and which tools will help you be successful. If you’re interested in conducting keyword research for your search marketing campaigns, keep on watching!

Feel free to leave a comment if you have any questions!

Read the full post here: https://www.wordstream.com/ppc-keyword

Follow WordStream on social:
Twitter: @WordStream
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wordstream
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/word…
Instagram: @wordstream

PPC Ads Expert Shows You How to Maximize Conversions (2020) Part 1/2


Free Digital Marketing Consultation

In today’s video we’ll show you what you need to know to get started with PPC ads and how to maximize conversions!

First, we’ll cover the different types of Pay-Per-Click campaign types: Search, Display, and Shopping. The shopping ad carousel is such a powerful tool for e-commerce companies! We’ll also discuss the difference in the platforms of Google Ads & Microsoft Advertising. Then, we’ll also discuss how Google Ads works with its auction. It’s important to find a balance between relevant users and a good position in the results in order to maximize efficiency in your ad spend.

Second, we’ll cover the topic of Google My Business and why it’s such an important resource people are missing out on. Your photos, location, reviews, address, all show up there. Having your business show up on Google Maps is great for driving foot traffic and can also help you get better organic rankings in the search results!

Last, we’ll discuss display, shopping, and remarketing ads. We’ll also discuss how you can use prospecting to find new customers.

Stay tuned, in Part 2 we’ll bring it all together and move on to the “why” of PPC ads!

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Impact of Coronavirus (Covid-19) on Google Ads PPC

PPC bid platform Wordstream released a report on the impact of coronavirus (covid-19) on PPC through Google Ads. It’s a really interesting report that puts the impact of the pandemic into perspective.

In this video we are going to take a close look at this data, also look at some of the anecdotal evidence I’ve seen and try to understand what we can expect from PPC in the coming weeks.

What is Wordstream?

PPC bid optimisation, keyword research and analytics platform for small and medium sized businesses. They have analysed 14 billion dollars worht of ad spend and have a ton of data they can aggregate and use to provide insight and trends in PPC

They have used this data before before with their info-graphic on CPC’s by industry, so we know they have enough datapoints to provide meaningful information, so what have they seen as a result of the coronavirus pandemic?


We’ll look at

1. Top level trends
2. Industry’s seeing improvement
3. Industries losing

In terms of specifically where this data comes from, Wordstream state

This report is based on a sample of 15,759 US-based WordStream client accounts in all verticals who were advertising on Google’s Search throughout 2020 thus far. Each industry includes at minimum 30 unique active clients. For indexing purposes, we’ve evaluated weekly account performance since February 24th against the prior six-week average.

If you liked this video, don’t forget to subscribe!


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If you want to get more from marketing, check out my marketing courses!


And as always, if you have a question, or want me to cover a particular subject or marketing challenge you’re facing, head over to my website www.thebigmarketer.com and get in touch. I would love to hear from you!

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Social Media Aggressive on Coronavirus

Compared to political or other health misinfo, the coronavirus infodemic has been met with unprecedented moderation efforts by social media companies.

Learn more about this story at https://www.newsy.com/98949/

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