Is SEO Really Working For You?

You spent all this time doing SEO, but how do you know if it’s really working out? Today I’m going to break down if SEO is working for you.


Now, it’s obvious you’re already starting to rank high on page one, you’re getting more traffic and you’re getting more sales, but there’s this weird honeymoon period when you’re doing SEO, the first two, three months, sometimes even six months, you’re not getting the results you want, and you’re putting all this time, effort and money into SEO, and the question is, “Should you continually be spending that money? Is it really worth it?” And there’s a specific way you can see if SEO is working for you.

So first off, I want you to head to Ubersuggest, you can type in your domain name, like I’m typing in neilpatel here, and you’ll see Ubersuggest load.

Now, if you have a brand new site, you may not see a graph like this. If you do see a graph, your ideal goal is for it to be going up and to the right. That’s the first leading indicator that SEO is working for you. If it’s flat, doesn’t mean all hope is lost. If it’s going down, again doesn’t mean all hope is lost. There’s ways to reverse that, but more so you want to figure out if SEO is working for you and the he easiest way is to first see if the graph is going up and to the right.

The second thing that you can end up doing to see if SEO is working for you is I want you to click on the dashboard link on the left side of Ubersuggest. If it requests you to log in, make sure you go and log in, and I want you to click on new project or create a project. You put it in a URL. So I’m going to end up putting in one of my company websites, Np Digital, and then click next, type in the cities that you’re going after. For me, I’m going after United States, and click next.

The next thing you’re going to want to do is put in your keywords. So, as you can see here, it’ll give you a list of recommended keywords. If you’re a brand new website, you may not have that. So, I’m going to type in keywords like SEO, that I may be targeting. I’m going to type in keywords like marketing, SEO company, and then the next thing I’m going to do on the next page is going to say track my competitors. Some of these may be your competitors, some of them may not. It’s pulling based on common keywords.

Now this project is brand new, so let me go over to the Neil Patel project. All you have to do is on your dashboard, click see more, under tracked keywords, and you can see your rankings over time. You may see a gray box like this, if you’re doing just, if you just started, because you won’t have too many results when it comes to rank tracking.

If you have been doing it for awhile you can change your date range, like I do last month, and you can see Marketplace Facebook, and the keyword I may be tracking is LinkedIn, and you can see if it’s going up or down over time. That’ll give you a good idea if SEO is working for you. And you can continually add keywords, like I can add the keyword, SEO company.

I can add another keyword like SEO, and then I just click start tracking my rankings, and it’ll take a bit, because Ubersuggest says has to crawl, but as Ubersuggest crawls, you’ll end up being able to quickly see, all right, what am I rankings? And as you can see is pretty quickly here, right? SEO, that’s my rankings for it. SEO company.

Even though your traffic’s not going up, if your rankings are going up, that’s a good leading indicator that SEO is working for you. So that’s how I judge if SEO is working. Once you’re getting the traffic, then I look at conversion rates, but for now I recommend creating a project in Ubersuggest, tracking the main keywords that you’re going after, so that way you can see leading indicators of SEO is working for you.

Keep in mind, if you’re not raking in the top hundred, you’ll just see a little dash, a little line like that.

If you’re ranking in the top hundred, you’ll see a number, and the more greens you see over time, the better off, and I recommend you daily rank tracking because, as I mentioned, Google does on average over eight algorithm changes per day, even though most of them are small. It’ll give you a better understanding of what is happening.

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The Dumbest SEO Hack (That Works)

Wouldn’t it be great if there was a dead simple SEO hack that would just help boost your rankings, but didn’t require that much work. You don’t have to be that technical. You don’t have to build links. You don’t have to worry about keywords and yet you can just increase your rankings, well there is. Today I’m going to break down the dumbest SEO hack.



When I talk about the dumbest SEO hack, I don’t mean it in a negative way. I say it’s dumb because it’s really dead simple. It’s really obvious, very few people do it and it just works. So this is the blog, as you can tell by the URL up top, and I’m just going to go into one of my blog posts.

And as you scroll, and if you don’t have a blog you should consider adding one. You know, you see a normal blog post. You see comments at the very bottom as I scroll and then, you know, more people can leave comments if they want, through the comment box and you just see a footer navigation, but there’s something simple I did that just has really helped me boost my rankings.

What’s one thing that I did that just really helped me boost my rankings? What do you think it is? It’s actually this section here where it says guides. Okay, let’s go through them. I have a guide on digital marketing, online marketing, Google ad-words, Facebook advertising, remarketing, SEO, content marketing, growth hacking, social media marketing, affiliate marketing, conversion optimization, marketing automation.

Now let’s Google all of them in order. Digital marketing, so digital marketing. I rank somewhere at the top on page one. All right, what’s the next one? So one for one, online marketing. Online marketing the key word. All right, I’m somewhere at the top as well, there you go. Now let’s go to next one, Google ad words. Probably not at the top for that one because it’s a Google branded term but I’m probably decently ranked.

Search and watch, WordStream I’m on page one, okay. And that one’s not bad, 550,000 searches, $8.46 cost per click. Next one Facebook advertising, Facebook advertising. Again, probably not number one because I’m not Facebook, but where am I at? On page one, cool, all right.

Let’s see, remarketing, that’s a one-word keyword, that one may be a little bit tougher. Google at the top, Google, Google, WordStream there I am, page one, towards the top. Next one, SEO, all right. I already know I’m on page one for this. All right, what’s the next one? Content marketing, content marketing, where am I? There you go, what’s the next one? And you could be like, oh, Neil’s not incognito.

Well, let me type in content marketing in the incognito browser, let’s see where I am. Copy, that’s at the bottom of page one, see, still page one. All right, and now let’s go back to the word blogging. I doubt I’m on page one for blogging. I’m on page one for blogging, growth hacking. Growth hacking, opt-in monster, opt-in monster number four.

What’s the next one? Social media marketing, social media marketing. The next one after that’s affiliate marketing. Social media marketing, buffer, sprout social word stream. Who’s sweet, Neil Patel. Let’s type in affiliate marketing, Neil Patel. That was the next one on the list.

Conversion optimization, then marketing optimization or marking automation, conversion optimization. Let’s see if I’m on page one. There you go, and then marketing, it’s marketing automation I believe yeah.

Now when you’re doing this, don’t just add in the link, add in whatever makes sense. Like with some of these, you know, online marketing, it could’ve put internet marketing or it could’ve put different variations, but my audience calls it online marketing.

So I put what’s relevant. I don’t put the word search engine optimization because everyone calls it SEO. I didn’t put Google ads even though that gets searched a lot.

I put ad words because most the people I know still call it ad words. So I don’t emphasize on the keyword, but by putting a lot of internal link juice, it helps with the ranking. So try that out, it’s really simple.

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How SEO Will Change in 2021

Google has over 3000 algorithm changes that they release each and every single year. That’s a lot of algorithm changes. You already know SEO changes so frequently because of the number of algorithm changes that Google releases. Now sure, most of them are small but these large ones can have a massive shift in your rankings. So how do you prepare for it in 2021? What else is going to change in 2021?


The first thing you need to get used to and this is the first trend is that your rankings are going to Seesaw. But if you do the right things and you continually put the user first and you’re doing all the right SEO stuff, typically, if you fast forward a year from that day, your rankings will be up. Your traffic should be up as well, but you need to get used to them seesawing and be okay with that. That is going to be the new normal.

Trend number two, positioning will be more important than ever and that first spot is going to be the Holy Grail in which that’s what you need to shoot for and aim for. It’s going to be really hard to get there.

So you want to take that top spot because they’re putting in other stuff that decreases traffic. Now it doesn’t mean SEO is dead. There’s still more and more people coming online, more people using Google, more people searching, so you can still do well if you’re in position two or three or even on page one. But number one has a massive, huge difference from being on number two or number three or number four even if it’s still on page one.

Trend number three, user experience is now SEO. So if you want to do really well, you need to optimize for mobile. And I’m not just talking about paid speed or your links or can people read your site on mobile or is it loading fast? I’m talking about the overall experience. If you don’t optimize for experience, you’re going to lose in the long run.

Trend number four, the riches are going to be in the niches more than ever, especially with SEO. And here’s why. You need to focus on building niche sites. It’s not about building a Wikipedia type site. If you want to do that, that’s great but because there’s over a billion blogs and a ton of sites and a ton of competition, they want to rank authority sites more than ever and it typically, from what we’re seeing is people who focus on one niche tend to be better, well versed around that niche, not always the case, but in many cases. And they tend to be more of a quote unquote authority.

Trend number five, content length won’t matter as much. Get to the point with your content. So don’t obsess about word count or keyword density, obsess about the quality of your content and are you getting the user what they’re looking for as quick as possible.

Trend number six, you won’t have to build as many backings. So it’s better off just releasing your content, not building links and letting it happen organically. And then over time, sure do the manual outreach, but let your content sit there for three to four months before you even start that manual outreach.

Trend number seven, branding won’t be enough. You need to be a authority within your niche. So make sure you go and focus on being the end all, be all expert within whatever niche you’re in.

Now here’s a bonus trend for you. We’re seeing that businesses are going to have to start thinking about global SEO from day one. So from day one, you need to start thinking about global SEO as your strategy instead of just SEO within your region. And you’re going to have to look at things like translations and especially updating and repurposing your content in all of these regions as well.

Now, if you have any questions about the future of SEO or what’s happening, leave a comment below. I’ll answer it.

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How to Grow Your SEO Traffic by Updating Your Old Content

You write all this amazing content, and after putting in months and months of hard work, you start getting rankings, but then you fast forward a year. A year later, what happens? Your traffic starts going down. Today I’m going to teach you how to grow your SEO traffic by updating your old content.


With all the content out there, Google is going to rank the content that doesn’t just have the most links or the best on-page SEO. More importantly, they’re going to rank the content that has the best user experience. And usually that means that’s the content that is fresh, up to date and the most relevant. With one of my earlier websites, Nutritionsecrets I no longer own it. I was able to build up literally over 100,000 visitors a month.

And the main strategy that I use wasn’t just cranking out new content, it was continually updating and expanding my old articles to get them more and more traffic.

So how do you go and update your old content and figure out which pieces to update? Which ones not to update? And heck how do you know what parts to update and how it works? Do you just add a sentence? Do you add in paragraphs? Do you add in more images, videos? Well, I’m going to walk you through that right now step-by-step.

The first thing I want you to do is to log into Google Search Console. And when you log in, you go to your website, I want you to click that on the pages link. You’ll see that, right? It’s already highlighted here under or right next to the queries.

The next thing I want you to do is adjust your date range. And you’re already on the pages section of Google Search Console, and I want you to sort by the last 28 days over the previous year. And when you do that, it’ll show you the articles that were the most popular to least popular in the previous year.

Now, going through that list, what you want to do is look for the posts that have lost traffic.

So there’s quite a few terms that I was getting more traffic from. So what you’ll want to do is start Googling those terms to see who’s ranking above you.

So let’s Google schema markup. As you can see, there’s an article by Moz, there’s an article by Search Engine Journal, then there’s And what you’ll want to do is click on each of those articles and analyze them and say, “Huh, what did they have that I don’t? What is making their article better than mine?” And you want to take that information for all the sites that rank above you, and then you’re going to want to modify your content. And you do this by making yours better than there’s.

You also want to delete anything that’s irrelevant. If something doesn’t make sense anymore, delete it.

When you update the article, I want you to also update the publish by date, so searching engines know it’s updated. And don’t just think about word count, think about user experience. You need to do what’s best for the user and not obsess or worry about word count.

And lastly, I recommend that you don’t change your URL. If you want to change your URL, that’s fine but just 301 redirect the old URL to the new one. And once you update it, go back into Search Console, type in your URL in the search bar at the top, it’ll start fetching the page and then boom, request it for indexing, and then you’re off into the races and within 30 days you should start seeing increase in SEO traffic to that page. It literally is that simple.

Now, if you need help updating your old content, you can check out my ad agency, Neil Patel Digital or go to Or if you have any questions and you want to do it yourself, that’s great as well, leave a comment below, we’ll answer it, I’ll help you out, and I’ll try to do my best to grow your SEO traffic as well.

If you enjoyed this video, like it, share it tell other people about it. And again, if you have any questions just leave a comment below and I’ll answer and help you out. Thank you for your time.

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SEO vs PPC – Marketing During a RECESSION

We are of course entering a financial recession and because of this downturn, search engine marketing techniques of SEO and PPC are called into question. How should you do marketing during a recession?

I have spoken previously about the impact of the current situation on PPC and the industries it has affected.

I have also spoken about what businesses can do with their PPC campaigns during this recession

but the question is, which method of search engine marketing will work best in our current economy, SEO or PPC?

In this video we’ll break down the pros and cons of both methods and look at which method your business should be focusing on.

Search Engine Land recently released a survey that showed most businesses will invest in SEO over PPC or indeed any other method of marketing, but should you agree and do the same?

One thing to note however. No marketing channels will be providing great results during a recession, but will SEO or PPC be better?


Takes a long time to work – but you have time now!
3 principles of SEO – on page, links and technical – you can work on all of these during a recession
On page – keyword research, content optimisations – Create new content! Help your ideal customer solve their problems!

Technical – work with developers and freelancers to resolve technical issue and improve website performance

Link building – There are still opportunities to build links
HARO is a journalism platform and they are looking for content, especially about recent events!

Here is my video on HARO


Click costs are down in most industries and some people are still looking, so there is an opportunity to drive cheaper traffic
It’s all about the right messaging to get some type of commitment
B2B PPC is an opportunity to initiate marketing funnels

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And as always, if you have a question, or want me to cover a particular subject or marketing challenge you’re facing, head over to my website and get in touch. I would love to hear from you!

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How to Optimize Your On-Page SEO in Less Than 10 Minutes

Today I’m going to teach you how to optimize your on-page SEO in less than 10 minutes.



On-page and technical SEO Part 1 – SEO Unlocked – Free SEO Course with Neil Patel:

On-page and technical SEO Part 2 – SEO Unlocked – Free SEO Course with Neil Patel:

Mastering Technical SEO Audits – On-page SEO Part 3 – SEO Unlocked – Free SEO Course with Neil Patel:

So, I want you to first head over to or, whatever one, and type in your domain name. So, I’m gonna type in And you’re going to see a report load. This is typically your traffic analyzer report that shows you your overall organic keywords, your monthly traffic, your domain score, your backlinks.

If you have a newer website, you’re probably not going to see any data here or here or even any rankings, but I’m not looking for you to look at this report or spend much time on it. Instead, I want you to go into the sidebar and under SEO analyzer, click on site audit.

Now I’ve already ran my site As you can see, it was ran recently, and you’ll see an on-page SEO score. The higher this number, the better. It goes from zero or one to 100.

The organic monthly traffic. Don’t worry about this too much because as you get more traffic, your numbers go up, and you as you optimize your site, your numbers will go up. Same with your organic keywords and your backlinks. As you can see here, I scan 150 pages. The tool can scan literally up to 10,000 pages, depending on what kind of account you have, if you’re on a premium account.

And you’ll see the health check of the healthy pages, broken pages, have issues, redirects, blocked. There’s some critical errors, some warnings, recommendations. The critical errors tend to be the ones you fix first. And then there’s of course your site speed. Try to get into the green area for both of them.

So, I want you to scroll down to the critical errors first and click on it. When you click on it, you’ll see all the pages that have issues. And whatever they may be, you can just hover over the what is this and how do I fix it, and click on it. And it tells you what issues this is.

So, if you look at what is this for low word count, without enough text on a page, Google will have trouble understanding what the content is about. If Google doesn’t know what the content is about, it won’t be able to rank the content for the search terms you are targeting. By adding more text you are telling Google’s crawlers and your end users more about what it is you have to offer.

Anything less than a few hundred words is considered thin content and will be nearly impossible to rank for. It doesn’t mean it’s impossible. I said nearly impossible because for some keywords like how to tie a tie, you don’t need a lot of text. Some images, videos that explain how to do it is probably actually better than text.

This is the A/B testing calculator. People don’t want a lot of words. They just want to figure out which variation of their page when they’re running an A/B test to see if which version converts better is winning or losing.

Solve the ones where it makes sense, especially when it comes to things like low word count. And as you fix them, what you’ll find is by fixing all these little errors, you’re going to rank higher and higher over time. And I just want you to go through them, all your SEO issues.

And you want to first start with the critical errors. And then after you do those, then go to the warnings, because the warnings don’t mean that you have to fix them. Sometimes it makes sense to fix them. Sometimes it doesn’t. Recommendations, the least important out of them, but start with critical errors, then warnings.

You want to make sure your site speed is in the green area. Talk to your developer. They can help you with it. Or if you want to do it yourself, you can hover over the question marks. It’ll tell you what they mean, and then you will work on it.

Then the next thing you want to do is after you finish making those fixes, you want to go on the right side, load up this site, audit report, go back to it. And what you’ll want to do is hit the recrawl website.

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Rank #1 on Google Using 7 Free SEO Tools | Neil Patel

In today’s tutorial I’m going to share with you 7 free tools that will help you rank #1 on Google. Learn these SEO optimization techniques and skyrocket your rankings on Google! If you’re new to the world of SEO (search engine optimization), these seven free tools will go a long way in helping you formulate a strategy for reaching your goals.

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Google Search Console:


Yoast SEO Plugin:

Google Trends:

Google PageSpeed insights:

Keywords Everywhere:

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Tool #1. Google Search Console

Google Search Console will show you all the keywords that you’re ranking for that are driving the majority of your traffic.

By creating your own headline or title tag that’s more appealing, as well as including the keyword, you’re more likely to get clicks.

Tool #2. Ubersuggest

Google Search Console has already showed you what keywords you’re getting traffic for. If you plug these keywords into Ubersuggest, it will show you all the long tail variations of those keywords. If you already rank for the headterms, it’s really easy to rank for the long tail terms.

Tool #3. Yoast SEO Plugin

This plugin will make your life so much easier if you run your website on WordPress.

Yoast SEO Plugin will help you optimize your code, title tags, meta description and create a XML sitemap.

Tool #4.

Your site needs to be mobile compatible and putting your website into this tool will tell you, if your website is responsive and mobile friendly.

Tool #5. Google Trends

By creating a brand, you’re going to do better on Google.

And Google Trends shows you how your brand is doing compared to other people. You want the bigger brand and Google Trends will show this.

Tool #6. Google PageSpeed insights

More people use Google on their mobile devices than on their desktop computers. That’s why speed is so important. Google has an index just for mobile sites. So, you want to ensure that your website loads as fast as possible.

Tool #7. Keywords Everywhere

Keywords Everywhere plugin will show you how many people are searching for your terms and related keywords as you’re using Google. It’ll give you more keyword ideas, because you can see the search volume and how good some of these keywords are.

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Introduction to SEO and Why It’s Important – SEO Unlocked – Free SEO Course with Neil Patel

This is the second lesson of my free SEO course called SEO Unlocked. Today I’m going to be going over SEO and why it’s important. Did you know that 93% of online experiences start with a search engine? You may think, “All right, there are these search engines out there.” “Yeah, sure we know Google.” But for a minute, just think about how many times you go on Google or search, or YouTube and search, or Kayak and look for hotels or flights, there are search engines all around us and we’re constantly using them. Before we get started into going over SEO, there are a few things I wanted to cover: There’s a lot of people saying false information out there, so I wanted to play a little fun little game called Fact or Fiction.

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Google Page Speed Insights:

The first one: My industry is too hard to get ranked in.
Second one: Only big companies can do well on Google. Then I always hear, the more pages I have, the better.

Now let’s go over all five of them.

The first one: It doesn’t matter what industry you’re in, you can always rank on Google.

Now, of course, creating an account on Google Search Console and submitting your sitemap isn’t a bad thing to do. And you don’t need to spend a ton of money to win online, and that’s why I started to get into SEO.

There are three main keys that you really need to understand if you want to win online.

The first is, why is SEO so important? Look, SEO’s a process of optimizing any given search word, or term, for a search engine on your site. So no matter what time of the day or what country people are in, when they’re searching, you can be found, you’re getting that traffic, and some of it will end up converting into sales.

The next key to winning online is choosing your battleground. They dominate search on all landscapes. So when you look at the desktop, they’re an estimated 4.5 billion active internet users, and Google’s search share for desktop is 87%. That’s roughly 8.7 out of 10! That’s an amazing result.

And just being on there isn’t enough. Your position is everything! Over 31.7% of people click on position one, according to Advanced Web Ranking.

The third key, which is unlocking the SEO factors to win online.

One thing that you can do is go to Ubersuggest, click on the Site Audit Report in the left-hand navigation, once you’re there, and look at your website, and it’ll breakdown the factors that Google is looking at.

You’re probably wondering, “Hey Neil, this is all great, “but what’s the Holy Grail of SEO?” “What’s that silver bullet?” Well there’s not really a silver bullet. It’s a lot of little things that add up, and I’m going to go over them.

One of them is Page Speed. For every second delay means roughly 7% reduction in conversions, according to HubSpot. So you want to make sure your site loads fast.

The next thing I want you to look at is Mobile User Experience. Look, the number of people that are using mobile devices is continually going up. So much so that Google has a mobile-first index.

The next factor that I want you to look at is Topical Content. The more detail that you go into on each page around the same topic, the better you’re going to end up ranking. Versus if you go really broad and cover a lot of random topics, but you don’t go in-depth on all of them.

Another factor and this is from Ahrefs, it’s all about URL Length. The longer your URL length, the lower your rankings are. So you want to keep your URL short and to the point.

Another thing to look at is Content Length. Generally speaking, the longer your content, the more social shares you’re going to end up getting, the better you’re going to end up doing.

Backlinks are another big factor. And as you can see from this chart by Ahrefs, backlinks have more of an impact on your rankings than On-page SEO; that’s getting sites to link to you, it’s super important.

And one thing that very few SEO’s looks at is the power of brand and user signals. The ex-CEO of Google once said, “Brands are the solution, not the problem.” “Brands are how you sort out the cesspool.”

These days security is a big issue as well, so you want to make sure you’re using an SSL Certificate, so that way you get that HTTPS. Because when people go to your website and you’re not using SSL, you’re more likely to get a warning.

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On-page and technical SEO Part 1 – SEO Unlocked – Free SEO Course with Neil Patel

Today I’m going to walk you through the process I use for on-page and technical SEO optimization. This is one of the foundations of any successful SEO campaign, so whether you’re running an audit to pinpoint specific actions you need to take to improve your website or you’re going after more ambitious goals with your SEO campaigns, this is something you have to master.

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Keyword Research Part 1 – SEO Unlocked – Free SEO Course with Neil Patel

Welcome to another day of SEO Unlocked. Today is very exciting because we’re going to start the journey into keyword research. This is one of the most fundamental steps of SEO and the reason being is keywords is where it all starts. That’s how people find you.

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Google Search Console:

Are you getting the right traffic?

As I mentioned, picking the right keywords will make you more money and picking the wrong ones will hurt you

You can use Ubersuggest, It’s a tool I built, there’s a free version of it that anyone can go and use and you can get tons of keywords ideas and it breaks it down not just based on popularity, but also what’s most likely going to convert and generate you revenue as well. And there’s tons of reports in it and I’ll show you how to use it over the period of this course.

When you go to Ubersuggest on the left-hand navigation side, you’ll see a link that says Keyword Ideas. When you type it in a keyword that you’re trying to go after anything related to your space such as like shaving or razors, it’ll tell you what’s popular, the cost per click, the SEO difficulty, that’s the word SD you see the abbreviation there or PD is paid difficulty.

When SEO difficulty is under 40 it’s easier to rank for, when it’s over 40 it gets harder and harder to rank for.

And on the right side of the keyword ideas report, it shows you all the people that are ranked for that keyword. How many visits are roughly getting from that keyword? How many backlinks they have?

And this will give you ideas of if a keyword is good, right?

In addition to that, if you don’t want to use Ubersuggest there’s many other ways you can go and find keywords out there.

Things like Wikipedia or other content pages around the web that have really detailed content can give you keyword ideas as well because these articles are filled with lucrative keywords.

You want to rank because you not only do you want traffic, but you need to be able to solve the customer’s problem. If you solve their problem, you’re much more likely to rank.

There’s really five steps to keyword success.
The first is you need to build your keyword list, then need to research your target musketeer, then you need to understand the keyword metrics. Next you need to match the customer journey and of course, last but not least, you need to refine your keyword list.

So first building a keyword list, you go to and you’ll be able to download the PDF there and it breaks down how you can use it and what you need to do step by step.

Second, you need to research your target musketeer right? It’s all about researching that individual.

The other thing that I like doing is Ubersuggest, right? It’s a tool on you can go to neil or in the navigation just click on the Tools link and then Ubersuggest type in any keyword on the left-hand navigation once you go to the Keyword Ideas Report, you’ll see a list of suggestions.

You don’t want to just be reactive as a marketer or as an SEO, you want to be proactive and going after areas that people are going to be more interested in in the future.

You can also correlate intent through prepositions. And these are all long-term opportunities that you should be trying to rank for because these long-tail keywords, a lot of people aren’t thinking about them and yes they don’t drive the most amount of traffic today but six months from now, a year from now, it adds up and it can drive quite a bit in conversions.

Then of course there’s Social Shares, so on Ubersuggest whenever you type in a keyword on the left hand navigation, there’s a navigation button called Content Ideas.

So people are like, Hey Neil, it’s easy for you but hey, when you’re a new website and even if you get 10, 20, 50, 100 visitors, hey, it shows up in Google Search Console.

The other thing that you can do and this is what I love doing, is I like setting up a project on Ubersuggest and I put in my own website or you can put in your competitor’s website.

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