When to use Broad Match Keywords in Your PPC Campaign [And Why It Works]

Broad match keywords get a bad rap. Plenty of “experts” talk about how broad match keywords drive low quality traffic and recommend using exact, phrase or broad match modifier.

Jason Parks of The Media Captain discusses how broad match modifier can drive some of the most qualified traffic to your website at a fraction of the price of other bidding mechanisms.

[0:22]: What Are Broad Match Keywords?
[1:04] When Can Broad Match Keywords Be Bad?
[1:30] When Broad Match Keywords Can Be Great
[2:14] How to Improve Performance with Broad Match Keywords
[2:53] How Broad Match Drives a Lower Cost Per Click
[3:20] How to Monitor Results

Mentioned Resources:

Understanding Match Types: https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/7478529?hl=en

LinkedIn Ads Tutorial For Beginners 2017 – PPC Advertising

Our LinkedIn Ads tutorial is perfect for beginners and we go over every different type of LinkedIn PPC Advertising option. LinkedIn ads can be a great option depending on your business and you have several different options. Our LinkedIn Advertising tutorial was created in 2017 and should be relevant into 2018.

Best Practices: Our 2 major best practices are to track your campaigns into Google Analytics and create multiple ads for every campaign. It is vital to test and optimize your campaigns so you can drive conversions and drive sales.

LinkedIn Advertising Article on Surfside PPC: https://surfsideppc.com/linkedin-advertising-tutorial-create-linkedin-ads/

First, we go over LinkedIn Sponsored Content Ads, which are a native advertising ad format that go in the LinkedIn Newsfeed. You can show your ad across devices and reach plenty of audiences. You can choose from custom audiences, retargeting, member groups, job titles, company, company titles, gender, location, interests, and more. There are plenty of ways to narrow your audience.

One of the best things about LinkedIn Sponsored Content Ads is that you can drive leads right through your feed. There are LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms that can convert people on mobile easily. You can drive leads for your business, for your event, or for your conference.

Attract new followers and start building your LinkedIn profile audience by running Pay-Per-Click Advertising. Your ad can go on desktop, tablet, and mobile devices, and you can easily set your budget as well as cost-per-click constraints.

Second, we go over Text Ads, which are LinkedIn Ads that run on the right hand side of Desktop devices. You will usually see about three ads listed together with a small icon, a headline, and a short description. You can advertise your product or service by utilizing these right hand column ads on LinkedIn. You have the same targeting options as sponsored content but these ads only run on desktop devices.

Third, we go over LinkedIn Sponsored InMail Ads, which are ads that allow you to send personalized messages to prospects using LinkedIn Messenger. You can send these on mobile, tablet, or desktop devices and the design is completely responsive. LinkedIn recommends using Sponsored InMail Ads to boost registrations to webinars, events, and conferences. In addition, you can drive conversions for your products or services for your business. Lastly, you can promote downloads of content like eBooks, white papers, videos, infographics, images, and more.

Learn More Here: https://business.linkedin.com/marketing-solutions/ads

What is PPC Strategy? | Lesson 3/36 | SEMrush Academy

Learn how to create your strategy and budget accordingly.
Watch the full course for free: https://bit.ly/3gyzJpa

0:11 Platforms like Google AdWords and Facebook have made it so that anyone can use them
0:53 PPC strategy
1:37 Establish milestones along the way
1:48 You need a strategy

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You might find it useful:
Conduct your bird’s-eye research of any website with the help of the Domain Overview report:
➠ https://bit.ly/3gyJeEy

Learn how to use SEMrush PPC tools in our free course:
➠ https://bit.ly/3ce2h3F
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Launching a campaign is easy. However, just because you do it, doesn’t mean it works. You need strategy. Platforms such as Google Ads and Facebook have made it so that anyone can use them. An Ads account can be created in a few clicks and launched by following their step by step process. This process, incidentally, includes entering your billing details. Before you know it you’re paying for clicks to your website.

Facebook makes it even easier by prompting you to turn your Facebook posts into ads. Great example of what a very important part of the strategy – the call to action: “Boost this Post”.

By following these steps, you will successfully launch a campaign, but your campaign may or may not be successful. You will spend money on clicks, but most likely you will not earn more from those clicks than they cost you.

What you need is an effective PPC strategy.

You need a strategy behind the way you use the tools, messages, and images, the PPC platform provides. All of this serves to have your ads seen by qualified internet users, users that have, or could have intent to buy. You need a well planned strategy behind both the ads themselves, and the steps the users take on your website in order to convert.

The bottom line is that you need to have a strategy on how you reach a portion of those billion users on the internet and lead them on a journey from point “a” to point “b”, from the click to the sale.

Most users embarking on this journey, by clicking, on your ads will not finish it. You need to establish milestones along the way to help optimize your traffic as well as to optimize the path you take users on to becoming your paying customers. For that, you need a strategy behind how you track and measure the progress of users along the journey.

Before we dive into actual PPC advertising, showing your ads and getting users to begin their journey, you need to plan the route they take to its end, to the sale. Think of it like really good Google Maps instructions. If not, they could get lost along the way and go from being a potential sale to one of those billion internet users out there that will never buy your product or service.

#PPC #PPCcourse #PPCstrategy #PayPerClick #SEMrush #SEMrushAcademy


En este video veremos el siguiente contenido:



– Que es SEO
– Beneficios del SEO
– Fases SEO
– Motores de búsqueda
– Las SERP
– Los Factores de Posicionamiento en Google

3. EL CONTENIDO – 43:00
– Calidad
– Novedad
– Originalidad
– Cantidad
– Semántica

4. PALABRAS CLAVES – 01:07:18
– Keyword research
– Short Tail, Middle Tail y Long Tail
– Keyword density
– Disposición y Prioridad

5. ENLACES Y URLs – 01:46:03
– URLs amigables
– Entrantes
– Salientes
– Interno

6. LOS SITEMAP – 01:57:51
– Que es y su importancia
– Organización
– Robots
– Creación de un sitemap

7. EL UI/UX – 02:10:33
– Interfaz de usuario (UI)
– Experiencia de usuario (UX)
– Interacción
– Velocidad de carga
– Contenido Freshness (Fecha de publicación)
– Estructura y contenido:
○ Breadcrumbs
○ Taxonomía
○ Tabla de contenido
○ Favicon
○ Anchor Text
○ Caja de búsqueda
○ Página de contacto Página Quienes somos
○ No cuentan comentarios y testimonios
○ Política de Privacidad, Términos Legales y Cookies

8. PAGERANK – 02:37:39

9. HOSTING Y DOMINIO – 02:41:48
– Hosting
– Dominio y Autoridad
– Servicios integrados

– Google Trends
– Google Speed
– Google Analytics
– Google Ads
– SemRush
– KeywordTools
– Títulos para las palabras clave
– Autoridad de Dominio
– Traffic Travis
– Manejadores de contenido o CMS

11. SEO LOCAL – 03:18:23
– Nap
– Nombre de la ciudad
– Google My Business
– Reseñas
– Google Maps
– Directorios locales
– Valoración de reseñas
– Optimizar contenido en el website
– Linkbuilding

12. ACCIONES A EVITAR – 03:32:54


– Crear Buyer Persona
– Análisis de la competencia

14. FASES 2 – PALABRAS CLAVES – 03:50:45
– Planificar de Google
– Google Trends
– Answer the public

– Tabla de contenido
– H1, h1, h3
– Metaetiquetas
– Imágenes
– Videos
– Audios
– Mapas internos
– Links
– Url amigable

16. FASE 4 – PUBLICACIÓN – 04:02:27
– Publicación de contenido o post
– Indexación
– Integración en redes sociales
– Integración en Google My Businnes
– Integración en Google site
– Integración en blogger
– Integración con shoelace
– Integración con Google grupos
– Enviar por email para los suscritos

17. FASE 5 – PROCESO CONTINUO – 04:09:57
– Creación post
– Publicación en redes sociales
– Promociones y valor agregado

– Analítica web

– Optimización de html
– Optimización del contenido
– Actualización según recomendaciones de Google

Archivos: https://yoneygallardo.com/curso-de-posicionamiento-web/
DONACIONES: http://bit.ly/2Hx7tD8

¿Qué es el SEO y como dominarlo?

Un sitio web es el centro de toda estrategia de marketing digital. Pero, ¿como llevamos gente a ese sitio web? ¿Y como convertimos a esos usuarios en clientes? De eso se trata el SEO.

Aprende a posicionar tu sitio web o app en buscadores, analiza el comportamiento de tus usuarios y crea campañas de publicidad digital exitosas.
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📚 Taller de auditoría SEO https://ed.team/cursos/auditoria-seo
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📚 Google Analytics Avanzado https://ed.team/cursos/google-analytics-avanzado
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SEO vs. SEM vs. PPC | Marketing Hack of The Day by Solomon Thimothy

What’s the similarities and differences between SEO, SEM, and PPC? What are the pros and cons? It’s important to understand these terms so you can successfully implement them into your marketing strategies. They’re strategies that could be effective for your business and you may not even know! Learn how to improve your efforts and generate quantifiable results in today’s MHOTD episode. #MHOTD

Get the latest marketing hacks sent right to your inbox: http://go.clickx.io/marketing-hacks/

Visit our blog for more growth tips: https://www.clickx.io/blog

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Deciding Between SEO vs PPC: Which Is Better For Your Business Marketing?

When it comes to marketing online, you can boil a lot of activity down to two areas – paid and organic. Otherwise known as those three-letter acronyms, SEO 🔍 and PPC 💰.

Now I’m sure we all like the idea of marketing “for free” in an organic way, but what’s actually the best digital path for you to take? What’s going to help you achieve your digital goals? It’s an internal battle of SEO vs. PPC 🥊

In this week’s Giant Wednesday, we look at the different between search engine optimisation and pay per click advertising. Explaining the benefits of both and how they’ll help you achieve the best outcomes for your business marketing objectives. You can then decide where to focus your efforts 🖥

Digital Marketing, Technology & Business insights, how to’s and explainer videos, released on a Wednesday. Make sure to subscribe to be notified! 🎥

Read the transcript, check out the GIANT Cheat Sheet and learn more on our website: https://bit.ly/2UJSnRY

Presenter: Sam Caesar, Sleeping Giant Media

#GiantWednesday #PPC #SEO

How to Do Keyword Research for PPC | WordStream

Today, we’re bringing you a keyword research tutorial, and explaining exactly how you can use it in your PPC campaigns and which tools will help you be successful. If you’re interested in conducting keyword research for your search marketing campaigns, keep on watching!

Feel free to leave a comment if you have any questions!

Read the full post here: https://www.wordstream.com/ppc-keyword

Follow WordStream on social:
Twitter: @WordStream
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wordstream
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/word…
Instagram: @wordstream

Google AdWords Keyword Research Tutorial for Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising Campaigns

Discover how to use the Google AdWords Keyword Planner to do Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising Keyword Research. The Keyword Planner is an amazing free keyword research tool because you can learn about ad group suggestions, keyword volume, advertising competition, and suggested bids. All you need to do is enter 1 keyword into the Google AdWords Keyword Planner and you can find thousands of keywords.

Google Keyword Planner Surfside PPC Article: https://surfsideppc.com/google-keyword-planner/

It is difficult to set-up your Google AdWords search network campaigns without doing keyword research. One of the most important parts to setting up an optimal AdWords PPC advertising campaign is to find the correct keywords for your campaign. By using the suggested bids and tracking your PPC advertising campaigns into Google Analytics, you can drive conversions and sales.

You can also use this keyword research for Bing Ads campaigns as well. Once you build your campaign and complete it in Google AdWords, you can export it and import it directly into Microsoft Bing Ads. Since Bing and Google are so similar, the most popular keywords tend to be the same. The only difference is Bing has less volume and generally has less competition as well, which leads to slightly lower costs.

Keyword research is also vital for search engine optimization purposes. SEO is a great way to drive organic website traffic and continue to drive sales to your website over time. If you don’t know the most important keywords within your niche, you won’t rank for them on search engines. In addition, you won’t know what to bid on for PPC Advertising.

In conclusion, the keywords research video can help you find all sorts of keywords for services like Pinterest ads, Google AdWords, Bing Ads, YouTube Ads, Twitter Ads, and more advertising services. If you can find the top 20-30 keywords that drive optimal website traffic, you will be able to make money online. Whether you own a small business website, a large corporate website, or you do affiliate marketing, this video will be helpful for you. In 2017, the keyword research tips and strategies above are all you need.

What is the value of a keyword? Is a keyword profitable? These are questions you may have but you will have to collect data in Google Analytics in order to answer them properly.

How Long Does SEO Take to Work For a New Website?

How Long Does SEO Take to Work For a New Website? This is by far one of the most asked questions I get. Even when you do on-page SEO and build backlinks, it can take some time for it to start getting traffic from Google.

The Best FREE Traffic Sources for New Websites : https://youtu.be/X9Wk8K_TxlE

Ranking #1 With a New Website on Google in 2020 | Is it Even Possible? : https://youtu.be/91W0sa9Qfg8

The Fastest Ways to Bring Traffic to a New Website : https://youtu.be/LdnWx49LUJc

► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ https://neilpateldigital.com/

►Subscribe: https://goo.gl/ScRTwc to learn more secret SEO tips.
►Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neilkpatel/
►On Instagram: https://instagram.com/neilpatel/

#SEO #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing