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Amazon PPC Tutorial From Beginner to EXPERT – Sponsored Ads & Sponsored Brands, Step By Step

In this guide I will cover some ADVANCED strategy as well as foundational concepts so you can attack Amazon Pay Per Click like a pro. Brand Boost Blueprint: https://www.brandboostblueprint.com.

0:00-1:42 – The Fortress Framework Explained
2:45 – Budgeting your PPC Spend
3:00 – Why we need PPC on at all times
3:50 – Breakdown of PPC placements new and old
5:45 – Essential Terms Defined
8:00 – KPIs to focus on to make your ads perform better
12:55 – NTB (new to brand) order discussion
17:14 – The three key things we need to optimize our campaigns for
19:00 – Account organization
21:00 – Powerful/easy campaign that 99% of people are not using
26:00 – Creating campaigns from scratch
27:30 – Bidding strategy (down only, up down, fixed)
32:50 – Downloading your search term reports
38:00 – Keyword harvesting rules
39:57 – Constructing your Master Keyword List
40:00-48:00 – Advanced keyword research tricks
52:00 – Match types explained
56:00 – PPC software recommendations
57:00 – My rules for the PPC framework (use in your software of choice)
1:00 – My top 3 placements that you NEED to be using ASAP

Ryan is a lawyer-turned eCommerce brand owner who sells over 8 million USD per year with his own brand on Amazon + Shopify. He has been teaching sellers how to build powerful, profitable brands since 2017 and has been featured on the Serious Seller Podcast, WhiteLabelSummit, Expo East, and several other digital events.

If you liked this, make sure you subscribe. There’s a hidden link that directs to Ryan’s PPC Fortress Framework inside of the video also, look for that!


SEO for Developers in 100 Seconds

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Technical overview https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2019/02/rendering-on-the-web
ISR https://nextjs.org/docs/basic-features/data-fetching#incremental-static-regeneration

00:00 What is SEO
02:01 Create Good Content
03:54 HTML Structure
07:09 Rendering Strategies

#webdev #seo #100SecondsOfCode

My VS Code Theme

– Atom One Dark
– vscode-icons
– Fira Code Font

E-Mail Marketing Tutorial – 2021 – XXL für Anfänger [Deutsch|German]

► Hier GetResponse 30 Tage kostenlos testen: http://bit.ly/NkGetResponse
In diesem Video zeige ich dir wie E-Mail Marketing funktioniert und du deine ersten Kontakte sammeln kannst.
00:00 Intro
01:00 Agenda
01:35 Vorteile von E-Mail Marketing
04:09 E-Mail Marketing Strategie
08:40 Warum sollen sich Personen bei dir überhaupt eintragen?
12:20 Welches technisches Set Uo ist notwendig um E-Mail Marketing zu betreiben
17:27 GetResponse Account erstellen – http://bit.ly/NkGetResponse
19:13 GetResponse Dashboard Übersicht
20:40 Kontaktliste erstellen
21:25 Listen Einstellungen
22:30 Benutzerdefinierte URL hinterlegen, nach Bestätigung des Users
24:22 Bestätigungsemail anpassen, die der Nutzer nach Eintragung bekommt.
25:20 Formular erstellen
26:30 Formular Design anpassen
29:32 Formular Einstellungen
30:40 Relevante Dinge die du auf deiner Newsletter Seite haben solltest
34:38 Double Opt-In aktivieren beim Formular
36:40 Elementor Pro & Getresponse Erklärung: Hier das Video dazu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-S0Yl7QHlHU
38:00 Landing Page mit Getresponse erstellen
42:20 Landing Page Einstellungen
45:20 Kurze Erklärung zu den anderen Tolls von GetResponse
47:00 Newsletter an deine Kontakte senden
48:20 Newsletter Editor und Vorlagen als Design nutzen
57:00 Berichte, Optimierung und Analytics deines Newsletters
01:00:00 Abschlussworte

Weitere Infos zum Video:
In diesem Video lernst du alles rund um das Thema E-Mail Marketing, GetResponse und Newsletter Versand.
Du wirst in diesem Video auch lernen wie du mit GetResponse deinen ersten Newsletter versendest und auch Kontakte einsammeln kannst.
Ich habe in diesem Video auch die wichtigsten Dinge kurz und knapp gepackt, damit du danach selbst entscheiden wie du E-Mail Marketing betreiben kannst, genau nach deinen Vorstellungen.
GetResponse ist sehr mächtig und bietet dir noch viele Funktionen die du als Marketing Tool nutzen kannst.
Solltest du Fragen haben zu diesem Video (E-Mail Marketing Tutorial – 2020 – XXL für Anfänger [Deutsch|German]) haben schreibe einfach in die Kommentare.

► Du willst deine eigene Agentur gründen? ► https://links.nikolaus-kolba.com/agencyblueprint

► Hier findest du alle wichtigen Links & Social Media Profile von mir ► https://links.nikolaus-kolba.com/all

Dieses Video beinhaltet Werbung.

Sentropy launches tool for people to protect themselves from social media abuse, starting with Twitter

Sentropy launches tool for people to protect themselves from social media abuse, starting with Twitter

Last year, in the midst of a particularly spiky U.S. presidential election campaign, a startup called Sentropy emerged from stealth with an AI-based platform aimed at social media and other companies that corralled people together for online conversation. Sen…

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Neera Tanden Grilled Over Social Media Posts | The View

Pres. Biden’s cabinet nominee Neera Tanden is under fire over past controversial tweets where she attacked politicians — the co-hosts weigh in.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://bit.ly/2Ybi4tM

Full episodes: http://abcn.ws/2tl10qh
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Versus Electoral: Lucía Ledesma (PPC) vs. Pilar Mendoza (Somos Perú)

Debate entre Lucía Ledesma del PPC y Pilar Mendoza del partido Somos Perú en #VersusElectoral. Las candidatas nos hablan de sus propuestas de cara a las Elecciones 2021 tras la crisis generada por la Covid-19, a qué se comprometen con nuestro segmento #YoPrometo y más.

● Suscríbete: https://bit.ly/2EehQrb

● Más noticias: http://larepublica.pe/
● Facebook: https://bit.ly/2sjWliZ
● Twitter: https://bit.ly/2GxXGu5
● Instagram: https://bit.ly/2JiVE2J

Get Quality PPC Traffic Fast And Cheap! ($0.04 Pay Per Click Ads) FULL Training

PPC or pay per click traffic is something many people misunderstand or are afraid of… so they never really test it out.

but you can use PPC traffic to build your business from scratch really really fast.

this full tutorial training class is broken into six parts:

Part One: The Benefits of Buying Traffic

Part Two: Top Paid Traffic Sites To Use (secret)

Part Three: How To Make Paid Traffic Work

Part Four: Pre Qualify And Sell More

Part Five: Landing Pages That Work On Paid Traffic

Part Six: 300 Click Test – Scale And Grow

we will cover:

– google adwords

– bing / adcenter

– facebook (retargeting)

– contextual ad networks (taboola, outbrain, adblade, revcontent, bidvertiser)

– buysellads

– banner ads

– google content network

– direct media buys

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