In this video I discuss how to run basic bid optimization in an Amazon Advertising account in 15 minutes!
Focuses –
Primary Metrics vs Secondary Metrics Influence of placements, impressions, CPC and CTR CPC and Bid Correlations Quick bid management formula for optimizations
This video is a LITE video for bid optimization.
My goals is to help explain the relationship between bid optimization and ACoS.
At scale, we run similar formulas with more in-depth data analysis, BUT this formula helped me when I was just getting starting.
My Newest Amazon FBA Course:
Amazon FBA Course:
How To Start And Scale Your Amazon FBA Business Free Training:
Get My PPC Scaling Strategy Here:
ALL the videos I Talked About:
1. Free PPC Masterclass mini course playlist:
2. How To SAFELY Get Your First 5-10 Reviews on Amazon FBA and KEEP them:
3. My First Amazon FBA Product REAL Results:
Amazon FBA Product Scaling with ONLY PPC?! How to scale on Amazon FBA & execute a profitable Amazon fba scaling strategy is getting more difficult in 2019.
I’m going to walk you step by step through how to actually scale your product with only PPC. We will mainly discuss using PPC on Amazon and whether it will work in 2019. This is an Amazon product scaling strategy you can use with ONLY PPC provided you have done the correct preparation to scale on Amazon correctly. I will show you how.
*NOTE* It is always easier to scale WITH reviews than without. I am NOT recommending this approach for all products. I want to show that yes, it is possible to start and scale with only PPC and succeed if you approach it correctly.
With this knowledge, how to scale a product on Amazon and master Amazon ranking is made easier.
See How To Launch on An Amazon Product With Only PPC:
If you would like to learn more about Amazon FBA, Ecommerce, Facebook ads and more then please do subscribe. I will be doing Amazon tutorials and how to make sales using facebook ads, instagram influencers and email marketing. My aim is to give you as much value as possible showing you what a successful Amazon business looks like digging deep into improving your Amazon business’s conversion rate, suggesting which are the best Amazon apps to have and sharing tips and tricks so that you can make money online.
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