How to Optimize Amazon PPC Advertising Campaigns 2019 (Tutorial)

Watch this video if you want to learn how to optimize your Amazon PPC advertising campaigns, step by step. All Amazon sellers need to get into this habit everyday. A lot of times we may be spending so much money on PPC but not actually converting. There are a lot of moving parts and components when it comes to Amazon PPC advertising campaigns. Make sure you understand your campaigns and selecting profitable keywords!

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What is PPC? Pay Per Click Advertising / Marketing Explained by Bluehost — PPC, which stands for pay-per-click advertising, is one of the best ways to attract visitors to your website. In this video we’ll explain PPC, CPC, and CPM and will help you determine if PPC is right for your business.

PPC is a method of online marketing that allows you to put ads in strategic places all over the internet. The best part: you only pay a fee when your ad is clicked. Instead of attracting visitors organically, you’re essentially buying visits to your site. The fee for PPC, which is typically called the cost per click (CPC), ranges widely. In the United States the average is between $1 and $2. That means some clicks are as cheap as a few pennies while others total more than $50.

So how do you know if PPC is right for your small business? Here are a few reasons we think it’s helpful:

1. PPC is extremely targeted, allowing you to show your ads to who you want, when you want. That means you can target potential customers based on where they’re located, what device they’re using, or even their gender.

2. PPC makes it possible to retarget visitors. Retargeting means advertising to people who have visited your site but didn’t make a purchase. Consider this: only two people out of every 100 visitors to a site will convert to customers. Retargeting means you don’t have to let that 98 percent of your traffic go to waste.

3. PPC is affordable; you only pay when your ad is actually clicked. Even if getting that one click costs $15 but the product you’re selling costs $400, you’re still get a great return on investment.

4. PPC is trackable. It’s easy to see which ads are performing well and which ones aren’t getting clicks.

5. PPC works fast. Building up good SEO takes time, but putting up a PPC ad can lead to immediate results, getting your site at the top of the search results page.




Top 8 PPC Trends For 2019 – Pay-Per-Click Advertising and SEM Trends and Strategies

Check out our top 8 PPC Trends for 2019 and beyond. We cover the top Paid Search, Paid Advertising, Pay-Per-Click Advertising, and SEM Trends and Strategies that were popular in 2018 and will continue to grow in 2019. We aren’t making future predictions for PPC Advertising but rather showing some of the top strategies and tips that PPC Advertisers and PPC Agencies are using.

We put some URLs below for the top PPC Advertising Networks.

8 PPC Trends 2019:

1 – Shopping Ads and Product Ads

Shopping ads and product ads have been very popular and they grew tremendously in 2018. With the growth of Amazon Advertising, Google Product Ads aka Shopping Campaigns, Bing Product Ads, Facebook Collection Ads, and Pinterest Ads, there are more ways than ever to get your products in front of people. In addition, dynamic retargeting continues to be a popular strategy.

2 – PPC Advertising Automation and Testing

Testing will always be a vital part of PPC Advertising, but automated smart bidding strategies and campaigns that optimize for conversions will continue to grow so advertisers can maximize their budget and ROAS.

3 – Audience Targeting and Keyword Targeting

Audience targeting is a huge PPC Trend, but keyword targeting is not going anywhere and will continue to remain popular.

4 – Visual Search PPC Ads

Ad formats like Google Hotel Ads will grow into other industries for different business products and services.

5 – Cross-Channel Tracking & Attribution Modeling

Understanding the impact of your ads and attributing them properly is more important than ever. By using the Attribution Modeling report and tracking your campaigns across channels, you can grow your revenue from PPC Advertising.

6 – Local PPC Advertising Options

Local PPC Advertising campaigns and ads have become more popular

7 – Video Advertising For Branding and Conversions

8 – Different Campaigns for your Campaign Goals

Helpful URLs for Pay-Per-Click Advertising Networks and Trends:

Amazon Ads Homepage:

Google Ads Homepage:

Facebook Ads Homepage:

Facebook Ads Bidding Strategies:

Bing Ads Homepage:

Bing Ads Smart Bidding Strategies:

LinkedIn Ads:

Attribution Modeling:

Pay-Per-Click-Advertising Explained For Beginners

Pay Per Click Advertising can be difficult to figure out at first, so check out our video explaining Pay Per Click Advertising for beginners. We answer some popular questions such as What Is Pay-Per-Click Advertising? How Does Pay-Per-Click Advertising Work? How Can You Get Started With PPC Ads? and Is Pay-Per-Click Advertising Worth It? You can look below to see more of our information about PPC Advertising. We also have a Pay Per Click Advertising Course URL below on our Surfside PPC website, so you can follow along with all of our lessons.

PPC Advertising Course by Surfside PPC:

Pay-Per-Click Advertising Explained:

What Is Pay-Per-Click Advertising?

Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC) is a form of advertising where the advertiser pays for each click to their website or app. Google Ads is the most well known PPC Advertising Network, where advertisers bid on keywords for clicks to their websites. Advertisers only pay when their advertisement is clicked.

How Does Pay-Per-Click Advertising Work?

Advertisers generally set a bid for clicks to their website based on the keywords and/or audiences they are targeting. Pay-Per-Click Advertisers enter an auction against other advertisers for each click. The advertisements that show are based on a bid and an Ads quality score or relevant score.

How Can You Get Started With PPC Ads?

You can start by using popular PPC Advertising Networks such as Google Ads, Bing Ads, Facebook Ads, and more. You will need a website or an app to promote. Then, you can sign-up with one of the top PPC networks, enter your payment information, and create your first campaign. We have tutorials on our Surfside PPC YouTube channel for the top ad networks.

Is Pay-Per-Click Advertising Worth It?

The key to Pay-Per-Click Advertising is testing and optimizing your campaigns. Large companies use PPC Advertising every day with million dollar yearly budgets to drive more leads and sales. PPC Advertising is worth it for businesses of all sizes, but it requires testing and knowledge of PPC Ad Networks.

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