How to Plan an Email Marketing Strategy

Learn how to plan an effective email marketing strategy:

Before you can begin collecting email subscribers or importing them into your list, you should first take some time to think about your email marketing strategy – which starts with identifying your expectations and goals.

As you think about what you hope to achieve through email marketing, it will be helpful to ask yourself:

How do you want your emails to help your business?

Do you want to increase sales for your product?

Do you want to build relationships with subscribers?

Who is the ideal subscriber for your email list?

How will it fit with your overall marketing strategy?

While these goals may change or evolve over time, it’s important to consider the purpose of your emails and set goals that are both measurable and attainable.

For those just starting out with email marketing, you might want to focus your goal on growing subscribers.

In this case, your goal might look like the following: I plan to collect 500 email subscribers over the next 12 months by leveraging online and offline opportunities to attract sign ups.

By including a numeric value, a due date and a general idea of how you plan on meeting that number, you’ll have a clear target to work towards. It can even provide guidance for executing tactics that’ll help you achieve your end goal.

As you plan your tactics, also consider the target audience you hope to reach. For example, a fitness trainer with a focus on health and wellness might target people who are just getting started with exercising and changing their diet.

Understanding your ideal customers will help you determine the best ways to connect and communicate with them.

Take Action! Take 15 minutes to answer the questions above and identify goals for your email marketing strategy. To help you craft a more thorough plan, download the free bonus resources, which includes an email marketing goal setting template!

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What is PPC? Pay Per Click Advertising / Marketing Explained by Bluehost — PPC, which stands for pay-per-click advertising, is one of the best ways to attract visitors to your website. In this video we’ll explain PPC, CPC, and CPM and will help you determine if PPC is right for your business.

PPC is a method of online marketing that allows you to put ads in strategic places all over the internet. The best part: you only pay a fee when your ad is clicked. Instead of attracting visitors organically, you’re essentially buying visits to your site. The fee for PPC, which is typically called the cost per click (CPC), ranges widely. In the United States the average is between $1 and $2. That means some clicks are as cheap as a few pennies while others total more than $50.

So how do you know if PPC is right for your small business? Here are a few reasons we think it’s helpful:

1. PPC is extremely targeted, allowing you to show your ads to who you want, when you want. That means you can target potential customers based on where they’re located, what device they’re using, or even their gender.

2. PPC makes it possible to retarget visitors. Retargeting means advertising to people who have visited your site but didn’t make a purchase. Consider this: only two people out of every 100 visitors to a site will convert to customers. Retargeting means you don’t have to let that 98 percent of your traffic go to waste.

3. PPC is affordable; you only pay when your ad is actually clicked. Even if getting that one click costs $15 but the product you’re selling costs $400, you’re still get a great return on investment.

4. PPC is trackable. It’s easy to see which ads are performing well and which ones aren’t getting clicks.

5. PPC works fast. Building up good SEO takes time, but putting up a PPC ad can lead to immediate results, getting your site at the top of the search results page.


