Brandon Young
Amazon Private Label PPC Mistakes – 5 Deadly Amazon PPC Mistakes – How to do PPC Amazon Best Class
Amazon Private Label 8 Figure Seller and Coach of Seller Systems, Brandon Young, breaks down the biggest mistakes people are making when doing PPC on Amazon. You don’t want to miss these Amazon PPC Tips:
★My 6 Hour PPC Masterclass:
★★★To get 100% FREE Amazon FBA Course:
★★★My 5 Hour FBA Masterclass on Product Selection and Optimization:
★★★★My College Level Course and Inner Circle Mastermind:
Resources I Use and Recommend:
★Get Helium 10 discounts:
★ Pixelfy Discount Code: SellerSystems
★ For 30 free Rebates using Rebatekey:
★ Helium10 Discount Code: SELLERSYSTEMS
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Amazon PPC Strategy 2021
Amazon Advertising – 15 Minute PPC Optimization Tips and Tricks
In this video I discuss how to run basic bid optimization in an Amazon Advertising account in 15 minutes!
Focuses –
Primary Metrics vs Secondary Metrics
Influence of placements, impressions, CPC and CTR
CPC and Bid Correlations
Quick bid management formula for optimizations
This video is a LITE video for bid optimization.
My goals is to help explain the relationship between bid optimization and ACoS.
At scale, we run similar formulas with more in-depth data analysis, BUT this formula helped me when I was just getting starting.
When you have a keywords with data –
Sales * Target ACoS = X
X / Clicks = Bid