Amazon PPC Case Study | Do Amazon Ads LEAD TO Organic Rankings? – 6 Individual Case Studies

Full Amazon PPC case study results:

We rank Amazon products, every single time. For more info visit our Amazon SEO Agency:

There’s a lot of misinformation online about Amazon PPC, generally by agencies trying to sell PPC services without actually knowing anything about how useless this is nowadays in 2025 for sellers.

If you can make a profit on the front end, or you have a great LTVC so losing money upfront is fine for you then this post is not for you, continue on.

For 99% of sellers though there’s a few common points I see thrown around that based on our prior testing seems to be incorrect.

To solve this once and for all we ran a few case studies to split test some of these variations and answer some core questions/hypothesis below.

Yes, this is a short-term, low sample case study and your products are different, market is different, etc.

But the core issue nowadays is that Amazon Advertising has become so saturated that any front-end advertising on the platform very rarely results in profit, and spending for “reviews, rankings, gain traction” is usually just sales jargon by consultants or agencies trying to sell you on using their PPC management services.

Amazon PPC launch strategy for beginners (works in 2023)

Are you wondering how to launch an Amazon PPC campaign? Well, in this video, we’re going to show you how to launch an Amazon PPC campaign in 2023.

This launch strategy for Amazon PPC is effective and can be used by beginners. By following these steps, you’ll be able to launch successful Amazon PPC campaigns in no time! This strategy is ideal for promoting new products and services on Amazon, so be sure to give it a shot!

Book Sales on Amazon – Earn Money – Book Marketing, Email Marketing, KDP Select (Amazon KDP Ch. 18)

😇Hey self-publishers! If you’re finding these tips helpful, don’t just leave them in the cart—hit that subscribe button! Keep your books and your knowledge on point with our channel. You won’t want to miss a chapter:

Unlock the secrets to successful book marketing with Chapter 18 of our Amazon KDP series! Learn how EMAIL MARKETING, WEBSITE DESIGN, and SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING can skyrocket your self-published book’s visibility and sales. Leverage Amazon’s powerful tools like KDP Select and Amazon Marketing to reach a wider audience. Don’t miss out on these essential strategies for effective book marketing!

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📞 Contact Information: For personalized coaching or consultations on the entire self-publishing process—from book cover design and formatting to publication and book marketing with organic content creation—reach us at or WhatsApp at +918847889597 or reach us via our website

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Shift from Amazon PPC to Organic Sales with Pat from AsteroidX Amazon FBA Tips

In this video, Pat from AsteroidX Amazon PPC Management explains how new Amazon FBA products initially rely heavily on PPC advertising—up to 60-80% of total sales. Learn how over 9-18 months, as your SKU gains traction, you can shift to achieving 60-80% of total sales organically. Discover effective strategies to transition from paid ads to organic sales and maximize your Amazon FBA success.

AMAnews OKTOBER 2024 Amazon SEO PPC Marktplatz Neuigkeiten von AMALYZE

Eine kurze Zusammenfassung der monatlichen Neuerungen auf dem Marktplatz Amazon

Alles rund um Amazon aus den letzten 4 Wochen

Im heutigen Video erfährst Du alle neuen & relevanten Neuerungen rund um Amazon. Alles was Du als Amazon Seller, Amazon Vendor oder Amazon FBAler beachten musst erfährst Du hier.
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Amazon AI: SEO i PPC z wykorzystaniem ChatGPT i Claude AI

Zapraszam na wyjątkowy live, podczas którego omówimy, jak wykorzystać narzędzia AI takie jak ChatGPT i Claude AI w optymalizacji SEO oraz kampaniach PPC na Amazonie. Dowiedz się, jak sztuczna inteligencja może zwiększyć widoczność Twoich produktów i zoptymalizować koszty reklamy.

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KRÓTKO O MNIE: W swoim dorobku mam 1 milion euro wydatków na marketing oraz niezliczone godziny szkoleń na temat sprzedaży e-commerce. Sprzedaży na Amazon uczyłem się na własnej skórze i z własnych błędów, co doprowadziło mnie do posiadania jednego z pięciu największych kont sprzedażowych na Amazon. Od 2016 roku pomagam przedsiębiorcom prowadzić biznesy oparte na platformach takich jak Amazon, Kaufland, eBay czy Etsy. Obecnie prowadzę firmę liczącą 70 pracowników, która wspiera małe i średnie przedsiębiorstwa, a także spółki z o.o., spółki akcyjne oraz spółki skarbu państwa. Posiadam również własne marki na Amazon, które z roku na rok umacniają swoją pozycję na tej platformie.

#Amazon #ChatGPT #AmazonFBA

Easy Amazon Ads PPC Campaign Strategy to Help Increase Sales (back to school)

Today you will learn an EASY Amazon Ads PPC Campaign strategy to help increase sales during seasonal events like Back to School, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday. I will show you how to create a manual keyword targeting PPC campaign and how to leverage specific seasonal keywords from Amazon brand search analytics. ENJOY!

🎯 Learn More About Amazon Ads:

📦 FREE $0 to $10k CASE STUDY: Find a winning product and avoid these 2 mistakes:

#amazonads #amazonppc #amazonfba #backtoschool #ad

Is Amazon PPC worth it in 2023

In this video, we’re looking at the future of Amazon PPC and whether it’s worth it in 2023.

Amazon PPC is a great way to find new customers and drive traffic to your website. But is it worth it in 2023? In this video, we’re taking a look at the future of Amazon PPC and determining whether it’s still a viable option in 2023.

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Amazon Ads for Amazon Sellers – Beginners Guide To PPC For KDP Books And Merch By Amazon

In this video I talk about Amazon Ads for Amazon Sellers – Beginners Guide To PPC For KDP Books And Merch By Amazon

It’s becoming almost necessary to run ads to have a successful
Amazon product and or book.

Therefore, in this video I guide you through all the tips I’ve learned from running ads myself as well as $50- million dollar sellers.

I think you ‘ll be shocked at some of the techniques used.

Let me know what you think!

2020 All NEW KDP Beginner Course 👉 👉

🎁 2020 Amazon FBA Cheatsheet 👉

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👋 About this channel :

My name is Hurricane Liz and I’m the creator of the Growth Hacker Ecom Movement.

Since the age of 18 I have been self employed and have mastered the ecommerce space with my specialty being Amazon.

In the few years I’ve helped thousands of people quit the boring 9 to 5 grind and helped them start their own Amazon businesses.

It is my goal to help thousands more come to realize the freedom being your own boss can create.

Say hi, as I respond to every single message I received personally.

In order to completely change your life you need to take a first step.

The information contained on this YouTube Channel and the resources available for download/viewing through this YouTube Channel are for educational and informational purposes only.​

[Breaking News] Day Parting Amazon PPC Stream Release

👉Demo: Perpetua/Sellics tool for free
👉Signup for 50% off first 2 months with promo code: MyAmazonGuyHourly at

#AmazonMarketingStream #AmazonStream #PerpetuaStream

What is Amazon Marketing Stream?
Stream is a new API that Amazon is releasing that essentially has way more data than they have ever made available before. The most exciting piece of this (in our eyes) is having campaign performance reporting by hour of the day as opposed to daily. This data is only available through the API and not in the ad console so advertisers need to work with a tool provider to get access. I have attached Amazon’s 1-pager on the beta to give you a bit more context, once again this is confidential until the 22nd. This is only available for SP at the current time, and only in North America.

What does this unlock?
The concept of changing bids throughout the day isn’t new, and many advertisers have tried to bid differently throughout the day to maximize sales/efficiencies. However, without this data there was really no way to know if changing bids was actually helping business (or hurting it). One example of this is bidding lower in the morning and higher in the evening – the theory being that when all auctions reset at midnight there is the most competition resulting in highest CPCs, and CPCs will drop throughout the day as more advertisers have their campaign budgets unlocked. Would really love your perspective on this as well.

Strategies you can now execute on:
Increase bids when CPCs are lowest
Increase bids when ACoS is lowest
Increase bids when impressions are highest
Increase bids when you lose SOV on your branded terms or on category terms (this isn’t new from Stream but new to Perpetua)

(Would love your perspective on other intraday strategies you can execute on)

What does Perpetua offer?
1. We track SOV by hour of the day. This allows advertisers to see when they lose SOV (can monitor by top of search, middle of search, etc based on what they care about). Some advertisers might be concerned about competitors spending on their brand names, others may want to see when they are actually serving top of search for their top keywords. To reiterate this doesn’t have to do with Stream, but this is a cool Perpetua feature
2. We compile hourly campaign data from Amazon Marketing Stream into graphs/heat maps where you can track any metric by day of week, hour of day, or day of week and hour of day. We provide this breakdown by account, by goal (all the campaigns for a set of asins), or by campaign. The level of granularity advertisers would want to go with this would vary depending on how much data they have. For instance, if you aren’t doing enough sales volume, you may want to look at data only by day of week and change bids by day of week, but advertisers doing significant volume may choose to look by hour of day and day of week. To the same extent, if all ASINs sold are similar, looking at insights by the entire account level is likely fine, advterisers with a lot of data can choose to look by goal or campaign.

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The Road Less Stupid

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Simple Numbers
Scaling Up

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