Why you should delete your social media accounts

Jaron Lanier is considered one of the fathers of virtual reality and a veteran of silicon valley.

In his book ‘Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now’, Lanier contends that sites like Facebook and Twitter are dopamine farms that are reprogramming how you think and feel. He says they’re also causing political instability, and are changing the global economy for the worse.

Jaron Lanier – Silicon Valley pioneer

#SocialMedia #JaronLanier #DeleteFacebook

Why You Should Delete Social Media: Say Hello to A Better Life!

You should probably delete all your social media accounts. From mental health & anxiety, to privacy/security concerns (and more!) – social media negatively impacts you in more ways than one. Find our more about this incredible journey in this video! Don’t forget to share 💪

Become Anonymous Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1i-3xwcSGA
Go Incognito Course: https://techlore.tech/goincognito.html

0:00 Introduction
0:52 About My Journey
1:14 Issue 1 – Mental Health
2:21 Issue 2 – Privacy
3:40 Issue 3 – Influence
4:19 Issue 4 – Control
5:32 Issue 5 – Connections
6:24 Caveats to Deleting Social Media
7:26 Steps to Delete Social Media!
8:38 Recap & Final Words

🔑 Techlore Website: https://techlore.tech
🔉 Surveillance Report Podcast: https://surveillance-report.castos.com/
📹 LBRY.tv: https://lbry.tv/@techlore:3
📹 PeerTube: https://tube.privacytools.io/accounts/techlore/video-channels

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#socialmedia #delete #privacy